Thursday, January 21, 2010

My Work

Not sure how to write this but I'll just answer the questions.

For the past few years my creativity has been influenced by looking at magazines that I enjoy and looking at it in two different ways. Magazines are for information based reading but behind that there is also design. Even looking at magazines that are on a different world to computers and design, there is always a graphic designer that works for them. I think a lot of my influence has been through not intentional looking for that design, but coming across it.

A lot of my work has been purely for myself as I don't have a client. Mainly website design. I have created hundreds of websites over the years, yet only a couple have actually been uploaded to the web. Every one has been different and they all link to the portfolio based kind. I have been asked to make some for friends, weather it be a clothing company or a motorsport company. I've never been confident enough to publish them. But its good way of learning and progressing.

The way I work isn't really by the book, I just think of a design randomly, and write it down, sketchy as possible. I will then try and digitalize and then add things bit by bit. I never go through loads of designs and look at the best one and work on it. My decisions are purely my own.

I think the future of my creativity would be to work in a small based company looking at briefs and hopefully getting my mark on the design. Then to look in magazines or on the internet knowing that I influenced/created that said piece of work.

I think research is key in getting to places, its good to know what is out there already. Its good to know how trends have clicked on or have been a complete disaster and keeping this onboard all through creativity.

Starting point for research is defiantly the Internet, without doubt, book research is good, but long winded. The Internet caters for all and anything you want to know is basically at your finger tips, weather it takes 5 mins or 5 hours to find.

I might have babbled on about a load of rubbish here, so sorry for the long read.


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