Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Interactive Narrative: Finished

This is my final result. It is a Tram and Bus map, that users can interact with. They can go to 5 different tram stations in Nottingham city centre. Each of these stations they can zoom into the map. Also once at each station, they can get off the tram and see a photo of the area. There are also 4 different destinations on the map that the user can go to. This being; a pub, theatre, gig or even go home. Each of these destination will end up in the user having something happen to them.

I think my user interface is really usable. I think most of it seems to be clear and the user can search through the map at ease. I think i could have done with re-doing the map my self, to make links more obvious and make other objects less obvious so it does not clutter the map. But i used a map that Nottingham city council use. I wanted to use my own images so i went around each of the destinations and took my own photos. Some of them i found hard to take, which were generally the photos where something happened to the user. For this i used FlickR.

I also would have liked to have spent more time on the buttons, because a lot of them are plain text with a mouse over shade. I also didn't think about use of colour either, i kept to a greyscale when creating the text which i could have incorperated a colour scheme into the whole peice.

My final product doesn't use story in depth. I started off with more of an interation kind of interface but then added the addition of journey with the 4 different tasks that the user got up to. I also think i coud have added animation but our breif did not state this was necessary.

Finally i think i met the breif and i gave the user a sufficient interaction with my interface.


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