Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Pixilation NOT Pixelation

Here we start our final part within this module. Its Stop-Frame Pixilation. This is where a series of photographs are put together to make a video type animation. Im looking forward to experimenting with this. I have come across the subject before, but not gone into much detail with it. I have never realised how widely ranged this technique of media is used. Its everywhere, a lot of adverts and music videos use this technique. It seems cheap but yet well organised and executed.

Our first lesson consisted of watching one example of pixilation and then just going out and shooting our own. I was put in a group with Alex and Keiren. We looked in to going to The Aboretum to get ideas, to no avail. The coldness dragged us inside to doing something that we ourselves did not appear in. The journey of a piece of paper is what we came up with. I was happy with this idea and i think we did well with the flow of a picture taking. Next lesson we will put our series of photographs together and see how well it actually came out, hopefully it meets my expectations.

A good example was one that was on the news a while back, where they took a series of images of sheep and made a dog round them up in the hills of Yorkshire. They then handed these to some animators who turned it in to a space invaders type animations. I can't find the video anywhere though, will post up as soon as i do.

This is one that Andy Love showed us and i think its great, i just goes to show what you can do. It looks like the person is actually skateboarding on him, but frame by frame photos can create such effects;


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