Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Visual Essay - Thoughts

Thought I better get started/thinking on this. Easter holidays are usually for holidaying, but currently I'm snowed in, in the blizzard that Inverness have in Scotland. So.. I've been browsing a few websites for inspiration. I know what I'm doing next year, 'the webby one', forgot the name. So I'm wanting to do a website type thing for my Visual Essay, I know its not fantastically unique but I think I can get my point across by making it. I think I will hit the criteria that the Visual Essay asks for. I'm going to make a couple of mock ups for layout wise and usability and then add the content for the final thing.

Also I need to finalise my 3 practitioners that I will choose. This is hard because I feel that I need to show the best of their work, but yet show a broad range of their work, and finally to show why they are my inspiration. I will update bit by bit on this.. Back to the snoww..


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