Thursday, March 18, 2010

Filming - Day Two

Here we go to our cellar scene on our film which was done at Sketch's friends house. I turned up to see the location today, and it was perfect. Couldn't really ask for better. So filming commenced, I tried to get as many photo as i could to show how the day went. Filming done, onto editing tomorrow.

Lights prepared and then setting up how the old man will sit.

Producer sorting things out and writing down time codes.

Couple of lighting alterations, safety, safety.

Producer and Director confer while the film-man gets ready to shoot.

Fake blood getting ready for filming.

Figures on shelf.

Getting the camera ready to shoot the figures.

Adjusting figures.

Final blood splattered figures, a good closing scene.

And thats a wrap, the end to filming on day 2. Very successful outcome in my eyes, lets just hope it looks good when we see it on the big screen..


Blogger Jools said...

looks like a good location. Note to Chris W and you guys, you dont have to edit at uni

1:29 am


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