Thursday, March 11, 2010

Shot List

Scene 1: Flash's/Click's and Smiles
Shot 1 - W/S behind the photographers
Shot 2 - C/U Flashing on his face
Shot 3 - Entailing photographers and flash's

Scene 2:
Shot 4 - Mixed selection of C/U and M/S
Shot 5 - From his perspective
Shot 6 - Him and the Mic
Shot 7 - Audience perspective

Scene 3:
Shot 8 - C/U of vice and his hands
Shot 9 - C/U of scalpel and his hands
Shot 10 - M/S of him behind making adjustments
Shot 11 - C/U of scalpel dropping into water with red (blood) washing off into water

Scene 4:
Shot 12 - M/S of holding his hands up, only award visible
Shot 13 - M/S, he turns and you can see his hands
Shot 14 - C/U of his two hands

Shot 15 - Flash back - E/C/U of eyes closing to depict flashback
Shot 16 - Small hand holding scalpel (him as a child) or him as a child watching his farther with a scalpel

Scene 6:
Shot 17 - C/U of shelf, panning across
Shot 18 - Man sitting in chair, shadowed (silhouette)

Scene 7:
Shot 19 - W/S, he pauses on stage, voice in his head

Scene 8: Flash back (eyes flicker)
Shot 20 - M/S from behind him pausing in mid air with scalpel
Shot 21 - Puts down scalpel and starts sharpening knife
Shot 22 - Old man and knife shot

Scene 9:
Shot 23 - C/U of face nodding milking the applause
Shot 24 - M/S of him punching the air

*to note, this is a very brief shot list so far, will edit and update once finalised


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