Thursday, March 11, 2010

Figure - Moving Image

Right, this is our next project we have moved on to and it was my groups task to envisaging the 'figure' script.
At first we were taught about camera views;

E/C/U = Extreme close up (eyes)
F/S = Face shot (face)
M/C/U = Medium close up (face & shoulders)
M/S = Mid shot (face & torso)
L/S & W/S = Long shot & Wide shot (whole body)

Establishing shot = A shot to give you a sense of where you are
Coverage = Different types of shot of the same shot (back up for when editing)

All these shot I had never known what they were, so this will help when planning out the scenes.

<------------Along (to track)----------------->

l In or out (to dolly)

When I first read our script, I wasn't quite sure what it was about, but luckily after reading it over a few times and with help from members in my group I got to understand the script a lot more. I wouldn't say film is my strong point, and im always sceptical about envisaging a scene in my head to then actually filming it. But time will tell, and hopefully it will come out ok.

I will make another post about our shots and scenes.

Last thing the group is;

Director - Instructions: Alex
Producer - Organise, Locations, Actors: Michael
Filming: Alex
Lighting&Editing: Chris
Sound: Me


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