Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Design Practice 2 - Flash Quiz Evaluation

Right, finally I am very happy with my Pub Quiz. I have tested it on different people, and they all took well to using it, so I think from a user interface view I have done well. It's not complicated and it's an enjoyable quiz with a variety of questions.

I started off with making an intro animation for the quiz which then led on to the 'main screen', so if you missed the intro, you weren't faced with the quiz straight away, I wanted to make sure the user was ready for the quiz so gave them the option of 'play' and 'instructions'.

I have been questioned about why I have shown the instructions like this. I wanted to make sure it was clear about what the quiz was offering. I tried to align the text left, centre and right, but there was too much free space around the text and it didn't look good, so I finally had the text 'justified'. I was also changing the font size so it wasn't too big and not too small.

After finishing the intro and the main screen I wanted to add a pre-loader. So I made a simple one that shows how much percentage has loaded and made an animation of a beer bottle loading.

For the layout of the questions and answers, I wanted it to be clear where the questions will show and what type they are. So I made a big question section at the top, then a type of question and finally the answers. This was put through-out the quiz, so there was no change to the layout.

Animation wise I wanted to use a different animation for each type of question, so firstly I made a brain for the general knowledge questions. This was a simple line drawing of a face and then the brain with a small colour tween animation.

Also here are the rest for each section;

I also incorporated video into my quiz. This was a part of question which just shows a clip of a football player playing for their club.

I think this turned out well because I used keepvid.com to download from youtube.com and then chose a small size so no matter how slow your internet is, it will load quickly without you having to wait.

I added sound aswell, I put this on every answer in the quiz, so if you get it wrong, then it will play a different sound to if you get the answer right. I added a 'boo' sound to the answers that were wrong and a 'cheer' sound to the answer that were right in the general knowledge section, I think this incorporated well into the 'Pub Quiz' theme. On the sport section I added a golf noise as a general sound to all three types of sport. It's just a 'swing' of golf club if you get it wrong (as if you were missing the golf ball) and a 'swing' of the golf club and 'pot' sound for the right answers (as if you were getting a hole in one). I think these sounds work well with the quiz.

Finally for the last bit of the quiz, the last page shows, what your score is and depending on your score, you get a different animation, where the pint glass fills up depending on how many questions you go right, and also displays a different message.

if (score >= 26 ){
ifcond.text = "Well Done, Enjoy a full pint..";
if ( score >= 16 && score <= 25 ){
ifcond.text = "Not bad, but not a genious";

Also this page I also have left an option to replay quiz so that you can do it again if you didn't get a good score or a 'no' option where the credits come up.

After finishing the quiz with literally no time to spare as I had a unfortunate event with my personal computer (few posts down) I was wanting to add a 'top scores' table. After a lot research into this, I found out that you couldn't make it just from flash and you would have to incorporate a MYSQL database for all the information to be stored. This would have to be online so that the flash quiz could 'fetch' the database and information and display/edit it. If I had a lot more time and access to a MYSQL database I would have added this as a final touch to my quiz.


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