Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Visual Essay - Idea 2

This is the second idea, it's much easier to do and the bulk part of it is just the image that is displaying. You have to use your mouse over to move through the picture, hopefully telling a story (a visual essay). The drawbacks to this are that you can't just click on practitioner 3 and it will go there, you have to search your way through until you get there. This isn't necessarily bad as you do not need to skip, but if looking back through the essay you might want to find some information quickly.

I need to make sure the main image is broad, and it gets my point across as this is basically the essay. Back to making 100meg photoshop images..


Blogger Jools said...

i like it. if you can have some sort of introdutory sequence that explains the need for exploration that might work you also need to make sure there are lots of practitioners in then if the viewer might miss some due to your structure

1:00 am


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