Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I know its another useless plug, but this is another collective website for artists and designers. Some of those involved in the collective have some stunning work, heres some that i like;

China Mike

This is a collaboration that CM and Mr Jago (previous post) did as freestyle on a club wall in Newcastle, i really like how its come out considering its freestyle, and i think think both artists style complement each other.

Heres another collaboration with Mr Jago that they did in a Newcastle pub. Its the section above the door frame and the dog/pig. I really like this too.

Gavin Strange aka JamFactory
This designer does a whole host of media including; Website, graphic, illustration, photo and video. I am keen on a lot of his work and he has work with many big companies too.

This is a cover design he did for 'Computer Arts' magazine.


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