Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Interactive Narrative: Ideas & Progress

Well after the hitch of learning Flash in Flash 8 and learning actionscript 1.0. Then realising at Uni we are using CS3 and actionscript 3.0. I went about 'obtaining' Flash CS3 and getting my head around actionscript 3.0. Its still seems the same concept like any script, but its written a bit different, i think i have picked it up quite well.

Once finding my way around Flash again i thought of a couple idea's, but some i thought would test my skills too much but heres a couple initial ideas;

a) To have a computer screen and you were designing a logo in Illustrator, and you had the choice of colours for the logo. When you were happy with your colour you could go to print and then choose where abouts you want it on the page, and then see the final product with your colour and your position.

b) Having to go to a destination, so you get in your car and then you get to the end of the road and you have a series of directions, each taking you different places. Every time you get to the end of a road or some kind of junction you have a choice of where to go next. The trouble with this is getting the camera mounted in my car to take pictures at the same angle as the rest would proove difficult although i was keen on the idea.

c) I had the idea of the London tube map. And at each station in central London you could click and go to that station, you could either get off the tube or stay on the tube, if you got off you would see a photo of outside the station or a famous monument related to the stations location. If you didn't get off the tube, you could just go to the next stop and get off. I was keen on this idea but i didn't want to just get photos off the internet for the part where you get off the tube. I wanted to use my own.

After discarding this location i chose to use this idea but on Nottingham tram system as its the same sort of thing. I chose to focus on the 5 inner city stops; NTU, Royal Centre, Old Market Square, Lace Market and Nottingham Station. These were the last 5 stops that the tram goes. Now as this was the city of my study it would be easier to use my own photos of each of these locations and personalize my Interactive Narrative.


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