Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Interactive Narrative: Overview

Now we have finished our 'One Shot Short' project we have now moved on to the next one which is Interactive Narrative. Our first lecture was telling us about what we have to do. We were learning about Narrative and the context of narrative and how we can make it interactive. We were taught the difference between Plot and Narrative. These are two different things which i was finding hard to get my head around. Plots are within the Narrative.

So the Brief is to create a flash interface that tells a story that you can interact with, using the minimum of 10 frames which can include anything you want to narrate the story. The narrative needs to be the primary concern in this project, but also the interaction was key within the story.

We were told there and then to think of different concepts for our story. I found this hard at first but after looking at previous years work, i got the jist of the brief and thought of a couple ideas.

Here is one of the best examples i found, it narrates a great story, and also lets the user interact with what happens in the story, its also very well presented.

To help get ideas of different examples i thought of questions that you ask yourself in everyday life and then thought up stories from these questions for example;
Getting cash out of a cash machine, what to do; night out/stay at home ?, how much to drink/what to drink ?, which turning do i take ?, deal or no deal ?

These are just a couple of questions you ask yourself everyday without noticing it. This gave me a couple ideas of a story that i can tell..


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